Special Workshops



Special workshops are usually held during festivals and retreats in Japan and around the world. You are welcome to make a request for a date in Tokyo or book one for your next event.


  • Finding Your Flow: learn techniques for linking tricks together, repetition, and letting go into the flow state.
  • Hello, Hoop Dance: add more dance to hooping with body movements and attention to dynamics and more.
  • Hoop Inventions: use game play to create new hoop dance moves and sequences.
  • Partner Play: hoop tricks for two people working together
  • Group Shapeshifting: work as a group to move from one formation on stage to another while incorporating prop movement.
  • Hoop & Movement Meditation: combine a calming, rejuvenating guided meditation with blindfolded hooping and dance meditation.
  • On Fire: make your own simple fire tools, learn fire safety, then dance in a short choreographed performance