Spin Matsuri Retreat

Instructor responses thrill me!

We are going to have excellent teachers

Last month we brainstormed a list of possible instructors for Spin Matsuri. It included our local colleagues and friends in the spinning world, plus a double handful of international hoopers who inspire and amaze us. We might be dreaming that instructors would come from overseas for a weekend, but it never hurts to ask, right? So the invitations went out.

5月にはスピン祭のために可能な先生を考えました 。これは日本の同僚やスピンする友人と国際フーパーも含まれています。おそらく誰もが週末に海外から来るだろうけど、夢を見ていた。招待状を送った。

Now the responses and class proposals are arriving.  I am so excited and honored when someone says “Yes” that I squeal and jump around in my chair while I read their e-mail – and so far there have been a lot of bouncy chair dances. The quality of teachers for Spin Matsuri is going to be absolutely top notch.

今ではレスポンスとクラスの提案到着している。”はい” のメールを読んだとき椅子で踊ります!、これまでは元気の椅子の踊りをたくさんされている。スピン祭りクラス優れているとしています。

I am thrilled and very humbled that people are as excited about Spin Matsuri as I am.


— Kristen クリ