The bulk of our instructors are on board now and today Deanne put their bios and session descriptions online. We have quite a lineup!
Beth Lavinder Williams, who lived in Japan for five years before returning to the US, is going to teach Hoop Path techniques – hooping blindfolded to focus your senses on the hoop and its movement. Hoop Path is booming in the US right now, but the style hasn’t been taught in Japan before; this is really exciting!
Bunny Hoop Star, Deanne’s mentor, will be visiting from Australia to do a workshop on circus/dance fusion with multiple hoops.I can do two hoops rather wonkily at the moment, so I am thrilled to get more instruction from such an expert.
Miss Rosie will be teaching us dance fundamentals and showing how we can incorporate them into our hoop dance. And also in the dance realm, our own StinaSparkle will be guide us into hoop group choreography. My paltry dance background needs some shoring up and I am looking forward to both of these sessions.
We have poi on the menu, too. Tokyo’s own world-famous poi sensei Yuta will guide us through body movements and core spinning techniques. (If you want to experience Yuta before Spin Matsuri, sign up for the July 25-26 Dance, Move, Play workshops at Hooplovers.) Rainbow Michael, a fire performer from the US, will lead us in a spiritual journey with Poi and Yoga. I’ve only recently started spinning poi and I love how I can turn off my brain while I spin.
And of course Deanne is teaching a session, too, but she hasn’t quite decided what it will be yet. Check the website in a few weeks to find out.